
African healthcare market

Partner with AxessHealth to:

  • Create a presence among your target country's HCPs
  • Gain exposure for all initiatives
  • Attract new members (if member-based)
  • Retain existing members
  • Easily promote physical events and webinars
  • Access valuable data on HCP behaviour by country, province, and therapeutic area
  • Work together in concept development for AxessHealth platform deployment, around enhancing primary care
AxessHealth Partners
AxessHealth Partners updated 12 -06-24
AxessHealth Advertising

Partner with us

"Collaboration is the only way to even begin to solve the African healthcare dilemma"

An ongoing mutually beneficial partnership that costs neither party anything:

  • Ability to create an organisation page within AxessHealth, with premium paid features unlocked at no cost
  • Ability to run ongoing and unlimited news content from your page on your:
    • Organisation
    • People
    • Initiatives
    • Events
  • Free access to our AxessInights dashboard where you can access real-time data on user behaviour and sentiment within the platform.
  • Free event/product/system promotions

AxessInsights - your subscription to our user behaviour data

Keep up-to-date with HCP sentiment with data-driven analysis and expert insights.

  • Subscribe to AxessInsights for real-time data and analysis on HCP marketplace.
  • Sign in to the platform and filter data by geographic location and discipline.
  • Analyse data to gain insights into HCP behaviour around content consumption, trending topics, and platform usage.
  • Export reports for use in company presentations, to guide marketing decisions and increase sales.

Why partner with us?

Thought leader

Position your brand as a thought-leader and increase reach to HCPs.

Control communication

Control your communication with HCPs when positioning your products.

HCP insights

Use HCP sentiment insights to guide your business strategy.

Highly targeted

Increase ROI by targeting primary specialty, ancillary interest areas, and geographic location.

WOM exposure

Increase word-of-mouth exposure through shared promotional content.

Increase awareness

Enhance your presence in the African healthcare community.

Enhance exposure

Advertise with us

We offer a wide range of exposure opportunities across:

  • In-platform banner placements
  • Promoted feature articles
  • Premium company pages
  • Content partnerships
  • Promotion within newsletters

Premium Company Page

A premium company page, available on subscription, unlocks additional features that include:

  • Multiple office locations
  • A product directory
  • Dedicated branded banners
  • Unlimited hashtags to ensure exposure in all of the business categories within which you operate
  • Multiple admins for ease of control

Free communication to all HCPs within your country.