
Ensuring Accessibility at AxessHealth: A Commitment to Inclusive User Experiences

It's essential for all healthcare digital marketing and websites to prioritise accessibility, and we're here to support you in creating inclusive experiences for your users.

At AxessHealth, we believe in creating digital experiences that are accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. We understand the importance of inclusive design and strive to make our HCP networking platform accessible to everyone. Here we highlight some of the accessibility features and practices we have implemented to ensure a seamless experience for all our users.

Semantic HTML:

We prioritise the use of semantic HTML to structure our content. This means that headings, landmarks, lists, and special text are marked up appropriately, allowing assistive technologies to navigate and interpret the content more effectively. By using semantic HTML and ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes, we enhance the accessibility of forms, form labels, and frame titles.

Colour and Visual Elements:

We acknowledge that not all users perceive content solely through colour. Therefore, we ensure that content and visual elements are conveyed through means other than colour alone. By providing alternative cues, such as icons, text labels, and patterns, we guarantee that users with colour vision deficiencies can still comprehend and interact with our interface effectively.

Text and Typography:

To enhance readability, we implement several typographic best practices. Body text is set to a minimum size of 16px, ensuring that it is legible for all users. Additionally, larger text, such as headings and emphasized text, is at least 24px and has a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 with its background. By following these guidelines, we make sure that vital information stands out and is accessible to users with visual impairments.

Text Alignment and Spacing:

We avoid justified alignment for text as it can lead to irregular word spacing, which can be challenging to read. Instead, we prioritise left-aligned text, ensuring consistent and comfortable reading experiences for all users. Moreover, we apply a line spacing of 1.5 to our paragraph text, enhancing readability and reducing eye strain.


We understand the importance of conveying links through means other than colour alone. Our links are visually distinct, underlined, and often accompanied by icons or textual cues, making them easily recognizable. Additionally, we ensure that links have clear purpose and context, enabling users to understand their destinations before interacting with them.


To make our forms accessible, we focus on providing descriptive values for buttons and inputs. Clear instructions are provided in labels to guide users through the form-filling process. We also label required fields with specific format, value, or length requirements, reducing errors and confusion. In case of form errors, we clearly identify them and provide easy-to-follow instructions for users to rectify and resubmit the form successfully.

Audio/Visual Elements:

For multimedia content, we prioritise user control. Users can pause, stop, mute, or adjust the volume of any audio or visual elements that automatically play. This empowers individuals to personalise their browsing experience based on their preferences and accessibility needs.

Popup Interruptions:

We respect user autonomy by allowing them to postpone or suppress interruptions, such as alerts or page updates. Popup content remains visible until the user's focus is moved away from the trigger, dismissed, or no longer relevant. This ensures that users can navigate our website without unnecessary disruptions.

Page Navigation:

To facilitate easy navigation, we provide descriptive and informative page titles for each section of our website. This enables users, including those who rely on screen readers, to understand the context and purpose of each page. Additionally, we ensure that menu items remain consistent in their order throughout the site, promoting familiarity and ease of use.

At AxessHealth, accessibility is a fundamental principle that guides our design and development processes. By implementing semantic HTML, prioritising visual clarity, enhancing typographic legibility, and focusing on user control, we strive to provide an inclusive experience for all users. Our commitment to accessibility goes beyond compliance; it is about ensuring that everyone can access and benefit from our digital services. We will continue to improve and evolve our accessibility practices to meet the diverse needs of our users.


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