Sick notes: traditional healers warned against system abuse

Traditional health practitioners who are implicated in the misconduct and abuse of the system of issuing sick notes must be dealt with decisively.


Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla (right), with Summit programme director, acting deputy D-G, Ramphelane Morewane.

“This is an issue which deserves special attention as it is affecting employers both in the public and private sector,” Dr Joe Phaahla, Minister of Health, stressed when addressing last week’s Traditional Medicine Summit delegates on the East Rand.

“We need to do what is necessary for these sick notes to comply with the requirements of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act."

He explained that this legislation requires that an acceptable and verifiable sick note should be issued by health practitioners who are registered with their respective Regulator: “In this case,” Phaalha told the traditional healers, “our Regulator is the interim Traditional Health Practitioners Council of South Africa. Appointment of this Council will be prioritized so that registration of Traditional Health Practitioners should be expedited.

“I would like to caution against the abuse of the system of sick notes which has been a practice by some medical practitioners and prompted investigations.

“The Traditional Health Practitioners Council should protect the reputation of the sector by ensuring that the members who are implicated in the misconduct and abuse of the system of issuing sick notes are dealt with decisively!”

Many doctors have been arrested for allegedly selling sick notes to patients not diagnosed with any illnesses. To this end, Phaahla warned, the employers have the right to scrutinise any sick notes if they become suspicious or experience an abnormal increase in sick notes handed in by their employees all from the same doctor.


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